A leader must have the ability to mobilize and strengthen the will of their people through their words and policies. A leader’s most important task is to motivate the employees to do an excellent job at the tasks assigned to them. People on the other hand perform at their best when they are committed to an effective leader, within an environment of open communication, creating an open, trusting environment.
This 2 day training will address the issues of influencing, building, developing and motivating teams and creating a work place environment of trust, understanding and cooperation.
Course Content
The course will focus on;
Team leadership
Different styles of leadership and their suitability to different situations,
Application of the leadership styles and
Methods that make teamwork effective
Target Audience
This course is also suitable to teams (department, Units or clusters) within an organization; it will foster employees’ mutual trust, and create a team environment, where there is inclusion and everyone is working for the common goals of the organization.
Participants from diverse professional backgrounds; Managers, human resource personnel, researchers, information managers, library staff from academic institutions and special libraries, knowledge managers, archivists, records managers, information technology staff, administration staff, lawyers and the para-legal personnel, financial services personnel, executive support staff, Senior managers, and operations staff.