Customer Service

22/08/2019 – 23/08/2019 @ 8:30 am – 5:00 pm – The foundation, survival and profitability of any business enterprise is dependent on one key factor: the customer. The founder of Walt-Mart, Sam Walton puts it more bluntly; “There is only one boss, “The Customer”. And he or she can fire everybody in the company from the Chairman down, simply by spending their money somewhere else.” […]

Knowledge Management in the Digital Age Training – Naivasha

28/08/2019 – 30/08/2019 @ 8:30 am – 5:30 pm – This training will bring together colleagues from the whole of Africa and beyond, looking to learn how they can leverage the most important asset in their organizations; knowledge. Organizations fail because they do not know how to manage knowledge. Delegates will learn how to harness and how to leverage on the value of their enterprise knowledge. […]

Knowledge Management in the Digital Age Training – Kampala

11/09/2019 – 13/09/2019 @ 8:30 am – 5:30 pm – This training will bring together colleagues from the whole of Africa and beyond, looking to learn how they can leverage the most important asset in their organizations; knowledge. Organizations fail because they do not know how to manage knowledge. Delegates will learn how to harness and how to leverage on the value of their enterprise knowledge. […]

Records and Information Management

25/09/2019 – 27/09/2019 @ 12:00 am – Information is the life blood of any business or organization, yet most organizations struggle to find what they need, when they need it, and how to manage what they know. Information management is highly related to business strategies, processes and business growth. It is not limited to a single department in the organization or a […]

Emotional Intelligence

24/10/2019 – 25/10/2019 @ 12:00 am – Course Objectives and learning outcomes In today’s business environment emotional intelligence and communication skills are fundamental for success in every organization. It is becoming critical to not only understand the scope of work but be able to analyze and understand one’s self and the people in your team, in terms of motivation, behavior and performance […]

Knowledge Management in the Digital Age Training – Nairobi

06/11/2019 – 08/11/2019 @ 8:30 am – 5:30 pm – This training will bring together colleagues from the whole of Africa and beyond, looking to learn how they can leverage the most important asset in their organizations; knowledge. Organizations fail because they do not know how to manage knowledge. Delegates will learn how to harness and how to leverage on the value of their enterprise knowledge. […]

Effective Leadership Skills

21/11/2019 – 22/11/2019 @ 8:30 am – 5:30 pm – Course Objectives and learning Outcomes Leadership is a discipline and subject that has elicited a lot of interest and debate in the recent times. In this debate, some people have raised fundamental issues of debates: whether leaders are born, made, or both. With all these discussions going on, it is generally agreed that great leader- […]

Knowledge Management Specialist – Certification

11/03/2024 – 13/03/2024 @ 9:00 am – 4:00 pm – Learning Objectives Understand Knowledge Management key principles Review KM historical perspective and growth over the years past COVID19 pandemic Understand how to mitigate Knowledge Culture Relationship between organizational and knowledge risks and how to mitigate Characteristics of Big Data and how to leverage organizational data for better decision making Benefits of social media on project success Organizational […]

Knowledge Management Specialist – Certification

12/06/2024 – 14/06/2024 @ 9:00 am – 4:00 pm – Learning Objectives Understand Knowledge Management key principles Review KM historical perspective and growth over the years past COVID19 pandemic Understand how to mitigate Knowledge Culture Relationship between organizational and knowledge risks and how to mitigate Characteristics of Big Data and how to leverage organizational data for better decision making Benefits of social media on project success Organizational […]